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How to pass an "action" from a template to it's grand child components in Ember Octane

I am trying to pass an "action" from the controller to the grandchild component of the current template. But it fails for somereason. Could anyone let me know what am I missing here.

MainTemplate's Router Controller

export default class MainTemplateController extends Controller {

  field = "userId";

  save () {
    //save data



<ChildComponent @field={{this.field}} @save={{}} /> 


<GrandChildComponent @field={{this.field}} @save={{}} />


<button @onClick={{action "doSomething" (readonly @field)}}>Save</button>

export default class GrandChildComponent extends Component {    
    doSomething(fieldName) {
        console.log(fieldName); // logs as "userId"
        console.log( // undefined


  • Your code looks fine. There is a small @argument issue in your ChildComponent.hbs file.

    Since you are passing the argument from the MainTemplate (save and field) to GrandChildComponent via ChildComponent. The GrandChildComponent invocation should be something like,

    <!-- ChildComponent.hbs  -->
    <GrandChildComponent @field={{@field}} @save={{@save}} />

    as these two properties are argument to the ChildComponent component and it's not owning them. Hope this solves your issue and this cheat sheet helped me to understand octane better :)