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Symfony4 returning serialized json repsonse

I'm looking at a new Symfony5 project , where I'm trying to return a JSON response of some data.

I have a Project and a ProjectItem

I have the following:

// Project.php

 * @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="App\Entity\ProjectItem", mappedBy="project")
private $projectItems;

// ProjectItem.php

 * @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="App\Entity\Project", inversedBy="projectItems")
private $project;

I have one Project, that can have many ProjectItems

I then have a controller that I'm trying to return a json response:

public function index()
    $itemsList = $this->getDoctrine()

    $items = $this->get('serializer')->serialize($itemsList, 'json');

    return new Response($items, 200);

This is currently returning an error:

A circular reference has been detected when serializing the object of class "App\Entity\Project" (configured limit: 1)

Am I using the serializer correctly or are my models incorrectly configured?


  • Simply use json_encode:

    public function index()
        $itemsList = $this->getDoctrine()
        return new Response(

    or use JsonResponse class:

    return new JsonResponse($itemsList);