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Doctrine - Add default time stamp to entity like NOW()

Following the Doctrine guidelines I understand how to set a default value for an Entity, but what if I wanted a date/time stamp?

My problem is my database has a default of NOW() on a field but when I use Doctrine to insert a record the values are null or blank but the rest of the insert happened.

Also since Doctrine says to declare the default as a const, this also creates a problem.



  • Ok I found the solution:

    The prePersist option is what I'm doing.

    Make sure you define in the annotations

    /** @Entity 
     *  @HasLifecycleCallbacks 
    class User

    and here is the function example they offer

     *  @PrePersist 
    public function doStuffOnPrePersist()
        $this->createdAt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

    And if you're using ORM like I am

    /** @ORM\Entity 
     *  @ORM\HasLifecycleCallbacks 
    class User

    and here is the function example they offer

     *  @ORM\PrePersist 
    public function doStuffOnPrePersist()
        $this->createdAt = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');