I am implementing a datatable into my project. I have to process data in classic asp and might not be able to send the JSON because of some additional data processing required. Because of that I am making the rows of the table and sending it back through my classic asp. In my Html page, I am initializing the datatable and then appending the return data into my table.
I am not sure but due to that my pagination, sorting, the search is not working.
I am even not sure if this is the right way to do. Sending a JSON in classic asp is a nightmare and I have customization on every column which needs to be done in my asp page and not sure if it's possible to send those custom columns via JSON.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#example').DataTable( {
"url" : 'admin_manage.asp',
"type": 'POST',
success: function(result){
$("#example tbody").append(result);
server side:
SQL = "SELECT * FROM dbo.Nominations"
cmdCRProc.CommandText = SQL
Set rs = cmdCRProc.Execute
if rs.eof = false then
do while not rs.eof
response.write "<tr><td>" & rs(0) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & rs(1) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & rs(2) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & rs(3) & "</td>"
response.write "<td>" & rs(4) & "</td></tr>"
end if
JSON is client side code, classic ASP/VBScript is server side and of course you can use Classic ASP to write JSON, just as it's possible to use it to generate HTML. eg
Dim myJSONarray
myJSONarray = "{["
do while not rs.eof
if not rs.bof then
myJSONarray = myJSONarray & ","
end if
myJSONarray = myJSONarray & "{""Field1name"":"""& rs(0) & """,""Field2name"":"""& rs(1) & """,""Field3name"":"""& rs(2) & """,""Field4name"":"""& rs(3) & """}"
myJSONarray = myJSONarray & "]}"
Response.ContentType = "application/json"
Response.write myJSONarray
The quotation marks are very confusing I know, they follow exactly the same logic as escaping quotations in html attributes. I recommend viewing your output to make sure it is valid JSON before you try to consume it.
Also, take a look at this question