So I've got a spreadsheet where I'm trying to find the index of certain column headers.
What I've found is XlLookAt.xlWhole
does not find the value. However, if I use XlLookAt.xlPart
it does.
I cannot use xlPart
as it does not find the correct match in some instances.
I have confirmed that only AMT_ISSUED
is in the cell in the actual spreadsheet and there aren't any white spaces on either end.
Does anyone know why XlLookAt.xlWhole
doesn't work . Here's the code I'm using
List<int> columnNumbers = new List<int>();
object misValue = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
var columnIndex = range.EntireRow.Find("AMT_ISSUED",
misValue, XlFindLookIn.xlValues, XlLookAt.xlWhole,
XlSearchOrder.xlByColumns, XlSearchDirection.xlNext,
var index = columnIndex?.Column ?? 0;
I have even done this:
var value = ((Range)range.Cells[1, 4]).Value2.ToString();
var columnIndex = range.EntireRow.Find(value,
misValue, XlFindLookIn.xlValues, XlLookAt.xlWhole,
XlSearchOrder.xlByColumns, XlSearchDirection.xlNext,
var index = columnIndex?.Column ?? 0;
has found the correct text but column index is still null
WORKAROUND (I don't like it but it will get me past this hurdle) Note: the headings could be in row 1 or 2, if it is in row 2 then row one has the first cell populated
for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++)
for (var h = 1; h <= colCount; h++)
object cellValue = ((Range)range.Cells[i, h]).Value2;
if ((h== 1 || h==2) && cellValue == null)
if (columns.Contains(cellValue))
The Range.Find method returns Range
object. So, first, you need to obtain the Range
and then, if it's not null
, retrieve column index:
// Create Excel instance
Excel.Application excel = new Excel.Application { Visible = true };
Excel.Workbook book = excel.Workbooks.Open(@"PATH_TO_FILE");
Excel.Worksheet sheet = book.Sheets[1] as Excel.Worksheet;
// Search in the first row
Excel.Range header = sheet.Range["1:1"].Find("AMT_ISSUED", LookAt: Excel.XlLookAt.xlWhole);
if (header != null)
// Header is found
int index = header.Column;
// Header is not found