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How to pass credentials for jenkins to push a docker image to my own registry?

JHipster now uses the maven-jib-plugin. Before that, my jenkins server running in a docker-container was able to build a docker image with the *.war-file and push it to my own docker-registry with a pipeline using a 'Jenkinsfile' (for gradle, but I switched to Maven now), and after job completion another job pulled the newly build docker-image into a new docker-container on my server by executing shell scripts on the remote host using ssh.

The stages for this task were:

    def dockerImage
    stage('build docker') {
        sh "cp -Rvvv src/main/docker build/"
        sh "cp -vvv build/libs/*.war build/docker/"
        dockerImage ="$IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG", "build/docker")

    stage('publish docker') {
        docker.withRegistry("$REGISTRY_URL", "$REGISTRY_USER") {
            dockerImage.push "$IMAGE_TAG"

    stage('Remove Unused docker image') {
        sh "docker rmi $IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG"

Now as far as I can understand with jib making it easier and the relevant section in the Jenkinsfile produced with $ jhipster ci-cd it comes down to

    def dockerImage
    stage('publish docker') {
        sh "./mvnw -ntp jib:build -Dimage=$REGISTRY/$IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG$REGISTRY_USER"

Unfortunately jib seems not to be using the credentials for the docker-registry user-login of the given $REGISTRY_USER any more which are saved in the Jenkins' 'credentials'-section as before with the docker daemon running in Jenkins.

How can I tell the jib-plugin in the jenkins pipeline to use the credentials for the docker-registry-login which are stored in my jenkins account, which I thought was/is a secure solution? I don't want the credentials - especially the password - to be handled on every client nor on github.


  • One way to provide credentials through environment variables is to use withCredentials() in the following way, as hinted in this comment.

        def dockerImage
        stage('publish docker') {
            withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'myregistry-login', passwordVariable: 'DOCKER_REGISTRY_PWD', usernameVariable: 'DOCKER_REGISTRY_USER')]) {
                // assumes Jib is configured to use the environment variables
                sh "./mvnw -ntp jib:build"