How should I run the same test case without running the @before method?
public class CommissionHistorySingledownloadTest extends TestBase
@FindBy(id = "UserId")
WebElement UserID;
LoginPage loginPage;
HomePage homepage;
CommissionHistorySingledownload CommissionHistory;
public CommissionHistorySingledownloadTest()
public void setUp()
loginPage = new LoginPage();
homepage = loginPage.login(prop.getProperty("email"), prop.getProperty("password"));
CommissionHistory = homepage.navigate();
public Iterator<Object[]> getusername() {
ArrayList<Object[]> testdata = TestUtil.getusername();
return testdata.iterator();
public void GrandTotal_CommissionComparision(String UserName) throws InterruptedException
Double value1= null;
Double value2= null;
Double value3 =0.00;
Double sum=null;
Select user = new Select (driver.findElement("UserId")));
String u =UserName;
* Select user = new Select (UserID); String u =""; user.selectByValue(u);
Boolean c = CommissionHistory.verifytablepresent();
if (c==true)
value1 = CommissionHistory.totalCommission1();
String g= CommissionHistory.verifycommissiontables();
if (g=="0")
value2 = CommissionHistory.rowcount0();
if (g=="1")
value2 = CommissionHistory.rowcount0();
value3 = CommissionHistory.rowcount1();
System.out.println("g value not found");
System.out.println("Value 2: "+value2 );
System.out.println("Value 3 "+value3 );
sum =value2+value3;
System.out.println("Value 1: "+ value1);
System.out.println("Sum of Value 2 and 3 is: "+sum );
Assert.assertEquals(value1, sum,"GrandTotal_CommissionComparision Match Failed");
System.out.println("No data found");
public void tearDown()
initialization() method is opening the browser.
@DataProvider(name="getusername") will give data from excel one by one in Iteration
So I want to run it for multiple users and it is opening the browser multiple times because of @before class.
Is there any way in which I can test the multiple data without opening the browser again and again //?
will run for every test in the suite. Use @BeforeClass
to run the method once before all tests.
public void setUp() { }