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Convert a string to a formula in Google Spreadsheet

I´d been more than 10 hours reading and trying different options with no success.

I have this string (this is actually a string that is generated by other formulas)

QUERY({IMPORTRANGE(A1;$D$1);IMPORTRANGE(A2;$D$1);IMPORTRANGE(A3;$D$1);IMPORTRANGE(A4;$D$1)};"select Col13, sum(Col1), sum(Col2), sum(Col3), sum(Col4), sum(Col5), sum(Col6), sum(Col7), sum(Col8), sum(Col9), sum(Col10), sum(Col11), sum(Col12) group by Col13";0)

And I want it to be read as a formula. So for example I try this function:

function doConvert(formula) {
  // Strip leading "=" if there
  if (formula.charAt(0) === '=') formula = formula.substring(1);
  return eval(formula);

But I get:

Error / SyntaxError: Falta ":" detrás del ID de propiedad.

(In English would be: ":" missing after property ID.

Any other solution would be great.


  • add = to your generated string and try like this:

    function onEdit() { 
    var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Sheet_Name_Here');  
    var src = sheet.getRange("A1");              // The cell which holds the formula
    var str = src.getValue(); 
    var cell = sheet.getRange("C5");             // The cell where you want the results to be in