Dear stackoverflow experts,
I am new to vba and would like a simple macro for some copy-and-paste tasks. I have an xlsm file, containing multiple worksheets, name as follows CALCULATIONS LEMON ORANGE BANANA
I only know a very simple and popular macro for laymen.
Sub copyandpasterawdata()
Workbooks("trymacro.xlsm").Worksheets("CALCULATIONS").Range("A1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End Sub
I would like to make the source worksheet name "dynamic". That is, when I input "ORANGE" to cell I1 on worksheet CALCULATIONS and run the macro, data from worksheet ORANGE were copy-n-pasted, while when I input "LEMON" to cell I1 on worksheet CALCULATIONS and run the macro, data from worksheet LEMON will instead be copy-n-pasted.
Thank you.
Because you only want to copy values, you can use the Range.value2= RangeCopy.value2
Note that I1 is located in the paste area of your data,Let try:
Option Compare Text
Sub copyandpasterawdata()
If ActiveSheet.Name <> "CALCULATIONS" Or Not (ThisWorkbook.Name Like "*trymacro*") Then Exit Sub
''check if sheetname
'Dim sheetsname As Variant
' sheetsname = Array("LEMON", "ORANGE", "BANANA")
'If IsEmpty(Filter(sheetsname, [I1].Value2, True, vbTextCompare)) Then Exit Sub
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim isSheetname As Boolean
For Each ws In Worksheets
If [I1].Value2 Like ws.Name Then
isSheetname = True
Exit For
End If
Next ws
If Not (isSheetname) Then Exit Sub
'assign value
Range("A1:H2000").Value = Worksheets([I1].Value2).Range("A1:H2000").Value
End Sub
Here is shorter code:
Sub copyandpasterawdata()
If ActiveSheet.Name <> "CALCULATIONS" Or Not (ThisWorkbook.Name Like "*trymacro*") Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Next
' assign value
Range("A1:H2000").Value = Worksheets([I1].Value2).Range("A1:H2000").Value
End Sub