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React | Gatsby: Components inside or outside main page component

While learning how to use react-beautiful-dnd library, I've found that (when I'm building the library required structure) if I define components outside the main app, it works on React but it does not work on Gatsby (development), it starts to work but then errors appear

But if I move those components inside the main app, then it also works on Gatsby

The example code:

export default () => {
  const [elements, setElements] = useState(myElements)

  const onDragEnd = result => {
    const { destination, source} = result

    if (!destination) return
    if (destination.droppableId === source.droppableId && destination.index === source.index) return

    const new_elements = reorder(elements, source.droppableId, destination.droppableId, source.index, destination.index)

  const Columns = ({ arr }) =>, i) => (
      <Droppable droppableId={col.columnId} key={i}>
        {(provided, snapshot) => (
          <Ul ref={provided.innerRef}>
            <Elements arr={col.items} />

  const Elements = ({ arr }) =>, j) => (
      <Draggable draggableId={} index={j} key={j}>
        {(provided, snapshot) => (
          <Li ref={provided.innerRef} {...provided.draggableProps} {...provided.dragHandleProps}>

  return (
    <DragDropContext onDragEnd={onDragEnd}>
        <Columns arr={myElements} />

So if Columns and Elements are defined outside, it's not working (but it is with React)

Why is this happening?

(the sandbox:


  • As said in the docs

    Your key should not include the index of the item

    Once changed this, it works as expected

      <Droppable droppableId={col.columnId} key={col.columnId}>
      <Draggable draggableId={} index={j} key={}>