Search code examples

Compare column A, find adjacent cell data, across two workbooks

  1. I have two Google workbooks

  2. Columns A in both workbooks have a list of phrases

  3. Workbook 2 also has data in columns B & C

  4. I want to compare columns A in each workbook, finding matches

  5. Then when a match is found write data from columns B and C from workbook 2 into columns B and C of workbook 1

Here are two sample sheets to work with.

Workbook 1:

Workbook 2:


  • link your sheets and paste this in B2 cell:

     IMPORTRANGE("1r5wtmIuKtZCZBun1IDvCZe-Q4XbZy3AO_N7muhHHsxA", "Sheet1!A:C"), {2, 3}, 0)))