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Dynamic setter from decorator - Typescript complains about read-only property

Consider the following code:

function configurable(target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
    descriptor.set = (n: number) => {
        target[`_${propertyKey}`] = n * 100;

class Test {
    _prop: number = 10;

    get prop(): number {
        return this.prop;

const t = new Test();
t.prop = 100;

It's a silly example where I am trying to dynamically add a setter with a decorator, but typescript complains about t.prop be read-only


  • The following code might help you

    function configurable(multiplierFactor: number) { 
        return function (target, propertyKey: string) {
          const privatePropName = `_${propertyKey}`;
          Object.defineProperty(target, propertyKey, {
              configurable: false,
              get: function (this) {
                  return this[privatePropName];
              set: function (this, value) {
                this[privatePropName] = value * multiplierFactor;
    class Test {
        prop: number = 1;
    const t = new Test();
    console.log(t.prop) // 10
    t.prop = 20;
    console.log(t.prop) // 200