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Javascript nameof object property

In C# there is the posibility to get the name of an object property as a string value.

nameof(object.myProperty) --> "myProprty"

Can this be done in Javascript/Typescript?

Object.Keys() is the only thing i found, but it gives me all the keys.

Example what I want to achieve:

export interface myObject {
     myProperty: string;


Let's say I change my interface for some reason to:

export interface myObject {
     myPropertyOther: string;

console.log(myObject["myProperty"]); // This will not give an error on build

So I want to have something like this:

// This will give an error on build when the interface is changed


  • There is no nameof operator in Javascript/Typescript. You can creat a function that takes the key of another object and this is checked by the typescript compiler:

    function keyOf<T>(o: T, k: keyof T) {
        return k
    let o = { a: 1 }
    keyOf(o, 'a'); //ok
    keyOf(o, 'b'); //err