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ExtJs - custom class resolution

Let's say I have a concrete view named "view." I would like, at runtime, be able to call Ext.create("view_1") or Ext.create({ xtype: "view_5" }) and they will create instances of "view".

So any xtype matching the regex: /view_[0-9]+/ should create a "view" instead.

Is this possible, if so how?

More details,

We added the ability for our users to create custom reports. They define the menu name, the title, the set of columns, and the data constraint to be used. Each custom report is constructed using the same xtype view.

The problem arise when we save the state for these custom reports. Normally, we use the xtype as key for storage. So if all custom reports are the same xtype they override each other's state.

The direct workaround is to have different xtype for each custom report. So "view_1", "view_5", "view_1008"...view_[0-9]+ are the xtypes associated with custom report #1, custom report #5, custom report #1008...custom report [0-9]+. But they all should be constructed using xtype view.

If we create aliases, we would need to add all reasonable/possible form of view_[0-9]+. I am not sure this approach scales very well when we have more types of dynamic views.


  • Isn't possible to create a view from regex. In my opinion, the best way you can do is to set alias as list of strings. Example:

    Ext.define('SomeView', {
        alias: ['widget.view_1', 'widget.view_2', 'widget.view_3', 'widget.view_4' ...],

    Update ( according to the comment ) : Maybe you want to create multiple views (same definition) with id like:

    Ext.create("SomeView", {
        id: "view_1",
    Ext.create("SomeView", {
        id: "view_2",

    Update :

    The other way is to override Ext.create function.

    Example on

    Ext.apply(Ext, {
        _create: Ext.create
    Ext.override(Ext, {
        create: function () {
            var name = arguments[0],
            nameType = typeof name;
            if(nameType == 'string'){
                let regex = /widget\.viewx_[0-9]+/;
                let found = name.match(regex);
                if (found) {
                    name = "widget.viewx";
            return Ext._create(name, arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);

    And usage:

        name: 'Fiddle',
        launch: function () {
            Ext.create("Ext.panel.Panel", {
                width: 300,
                height: 300,
                renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
                items: [{
                    xtype: 'viewx',
                    fieldLabel: "AA"
                }, {
                    xtype: 'viewx_1',
                    fieldLabel: "AA"
                }, {
                    xtype: 'viewx_2',
                    fieldLabel: "AA"