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Send POST request to OData service using SAP Cloud SDK version 3.2.0

I'm developing an application that uses SAP Cloud SDK. I was previously using version 2.20.1 of SAP Cloud SDK and sent a POST request to an OData service. This is the code I used to send the POST request:

final ODataCreateRequestImpl createRequest =
            new ODataCreateRequestImpl("/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZAS_BP_CREATION_SRV",
                    "BP_DATASet", bodyAsMap, null, null, null, headersAsMap, null, false, null, null, false);

    JSONObject jsonResponse = null;

    try {

        Map<String, Object> resp = createRequest.execute("ErpQueryEndpoint").asMap();
        jsonResponse = new JSONObject(resp);

    } catch(final ODataException e) {
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    catch(final JSONException e) {
        logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);

After updating the version of SAP Cloud SDK to 3.2.0, I get the following error when sending the POST request:

Handler dispatch failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;)Lorg/apache/http/client/HttpClient;

I know the reason for the NoSuchMethodError, the error occurs when calling the execute method of the ODataCreateRequestImpl class, this class is in, and at some point, when calling to the execute method of the ODataCreateRequestImpl class, the getHttpClient method of the HttpClientAccessor class that belongs to is called, within this class, the method signature is public static HttpClient getHttpClient(@Nonnull HttpDestinationProperties destination), but the error I get is because the signature of this method at runtime is different, it expects to receive a String parameter instead of HttpDestinationProperties.

I think this is because I should not be using the ODataCreateRequestImpl class to execute a POST request in version 3.2.0 of SAP Cloud SDK, although it did work perfectly in version 2.20.1. To migrate from version 2.20.1 of SAP Cloud SDK to version 3.2.0 I followed these guidelines:

Could someone help me find a solution to be able to execute the POST request to the OData service?

This is the content of my pom.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">




        <!-- if you are behind a proxy use the following two properties to configure your proxy. Default: None -->
        < />
        <proxy.port />
        <non.proxy.hosts />

        <!-- Properties that are related to the SAP Cloud Platform. -->

        <!-- this is the location of your local SAP CP Neo runtime -->



        <scp.vmArguments />

        < />
        < />
        <scp.account />
        <scp.username />
        <scp.password />

        <!-- Required for SAP CP user session management and audit logging. -->

        <!-- Defines whether the deployment is productive or not. -->
        <productive />



        <!-- -->




        <!-- -->


        <!-- Bridge logging from JCL to SLF4j -->

        <!-- logback -->

        <!--&lt;!&ndash; &ndash;&gt;-->

        <!-- -->






                            <id>SAP Cloud SDK Project Structure Checks</id>
                                    <reactorModuleConvergence />


                <!-- Plugin for deployment to SAP Cloud Platform Neo. -->





                        <consoleCommand />

                        <dbsystem />
                        <dbSize />
                        <dbUser />

                <!-- Plugin for deployment to local runtime of SAP Cloud Platform Neo. -->

                                Note: A random salt is auto-generated once the project is built for the first time.
                                Please keep the generated salt in the POM file, for example, when pushing to git.

                                To learn more, visit:

        Profiles that are used to set the Neo SDK "neo" command extension ("" or "neo.cmd")

        <!-- Profile setting properties for deploying to the local SAP CP runtime. -->

        <!-- Profile setting properties for deploying a productive version to SAP CP. -->


  • There basically two ways how you can resolve the issue:

    1. Create your own OData VDM via our Maven Plugin. That way you get typesafe access to the service and don't need to bother with the Strings in your request. For a rough guideline you could follow this guide, but be aware that it was written for version 2 of the SDK. We are in the process of updating our blog posts for version 3, but for the moment you would have to migrate it yourself (shouldn't be much more then changing the groupId and artifactId).
    2. Use the execute(HttpClient) method instead, e.g. that way:
      // altenative to create a Destination at runtime:
      // HttpDestination destination = DefaultHttpDestination.builder("").build();
      HttpDestination destination = DestinationAccessor.getDestination("ErpQueryEndpoint").asHttp();
      HttpClient httpClient = HttpClientAccessor.getHttpClient(destination);
      Map<String, Object> resp = createRequest.execute(httpClient).asMap();
      This should go through without a problem.