I have a long string
Full_str1 = 'ab@xyz.com;cab@xyz.com;c-ab@xyz.com;c.ab@xyz.com;c_ab@xyz.com;';
removable_str2 = 'ab@xyz.com;';
I need to have a replaced string which will have resultant Final string should look like,
I tried with
str3 = Full_str1.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\b)' +removable_str2, 'g'),"");
but it resulted in
Here a soluce using two separated regex for each case :
PS :
I couldn't perform it in one regex, because it would remove an extra ;
in case of matching the string to remove inside of the global string.
const originalStr = 'ab@xyz.com;cab@xyz.com;c-ab@xyz.com;c.ab@xyz.com;ab@xyz.com;c_ab@xyz.com;';
const toRemove = 'ab@xyz.com;';
const epuredStr = originalStr
.replace(new RegExp(`^${toRemove}`, 'g'), '')
.replace(new RegExp(`;${toRemove}`, 'g'), ';');