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How to add ILogger to send email service?

I have a Blazor project and use MailKit for sending emails.

I'd like to add Logger to the email service.

That is Startup.ConfigureServices

services.AddTransient<IEmailSender, EmailSender>();

That is the EmailSender service:

public class EmailSender : IEmailSender
    private readonly IEmailConfiguration _emailConfiguration;
    //private readonly ILogger<WHATModel> _logger; //<------------?

    public EmailSender(IEmailConfiguration emailConfiguration)
        _emailConfiguration = emailConfiguration;

    public Task SendEmailAsync(string recipientEmail, string subject, string message)


So, I can pass EmailConfiguration to the service but how I can pass a ILogger?

It requires some model

private readonly ILogger<WHATModel> _logger; //<------------?

What model should I pass?


  • The model is usually the type being injected into and acts as the category for identifying and grouping the logged information. ILogger<TCategoryName>

    When an ILogger object is created, a category is specified for it. That category is included with each log message created by that instance of ILogger. The category may be any string, but the convention is to use the class name, such as "TodoApi.Controllers.TodoController".

    Reference Logging in .NET Core and ASP.NET Core: Log category

    Include it in the constructor as an explicit dependency so that it can also be injected

    public class EmailSender : IEmailSender {
        private readonly IEmailConfiguration emailConfiguration;
        private readonly ILogger<EmailSender> logger;
        public EmailSender(IEmailConfiguration emailConfiguration, ILogger<EmailSender> logger) {
            this.emailConfiguration = emailConfiguration;
            this.logger = logger;
        public Task SendEmailAsync(string recipientEmail, string subject, string message) {

    The container will resolve and inject the dependency into the sender when resolving it.