we are working on a project for school, The project is mandatory tri-lingual (dutch, english and french) , so the answer "Change to English will not do".
All our classes and resource files are encoded in UTF-8 format, and alle non-standar english characters are diplayed correctly in the classes themself.
the problem is that once we try to display our text, alle non-standard english characters are distorted.
We hear alot that this is due to an encoding issue, but I sincerly doubt that, since our whole project is encode in UTF-8.
here is extract from the french resource bundle:
VIDEOSETTINGS = Réglages du Vidéo
SOUNDSETTINGS = Réglages du son
KEYBINDSETTINGS = Keybind Paramètres
LANGUAGESETTINGS = Paramètres de langue
DIFFICULTYSETTINGS = Paramètres de Difficulté
EXITSETTINGS = Sortie les paramètres
and this results in these following displayed strings.
display result for provided resourcebundle extract
I would be most gratefull for a solution for this problem
for extra info we are building a desktop app using Swing.
You didn't show some code, where you read the resource files. But if you use PropertyResourceBundle with an InputStream in the constructor, the InputStream must be encoded in ISO-8859-1. In that case, characters that cannot be represented in ISO-8859-1 encoding must be represented by Unicode Escapes.
You can use native2ascii
or AnyEdit
as tools to convert Properties to unicode escapes,
see Use cyrillic .properties file in eclipse project