I've got a basic Spring Boot app with a REST endpoint that is configured to receive POSTs with Content-Type
= application/json
My external partner is posting me HTTP requests, but apparently with a different Content-Type
, because my app rejects those requests with HTTP 415 Unsupported Media Type.
Unfortunately, Spring's logs do not reveal what exactly the Content-Type is, and the external partner is currently unavailable for questions.
Is there a way to crank up Spring's log level so the log also includes the received Content-Type
that's being rejected?
I see the following options as stated in the comments above:
Use the httpTrace actuator
The httptrace provides information about the HTTP request/response exchange. It can be called by doing a get to /actuator/httptrace. One can use curl:
$ curl 'http://localhost:8080/actuator/httptrace' -i -X GET
or directly from your browser, on your local machine that would be http://localhost:8080/actuator/httptrace.
The information is provided as JSON:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v3+json
Content-Length: 503
"traces" : [ {
"timestamp" : "2019-12-06T06:13:02.341Z",
"principal" : {
"name" : "alice"
"session" : {
"id" : "41a5c57b-112a-4b15-8ea9-05c5942e7e88"
"request" : {
"method" : "GET",
"uri" : "https://api.example.com",
"headers" : {
"Accept" : [ "application/json" ]
"response" : {
"status" : 200,
"headers" : {
"Content-Type" : [ "application/json" ]
"timeTaken" : 1
} ]