I have a dicom 3D image which is [512,512,5] (rows, cols, slices). I want to read it with DCMTK toolkit and convert it to a OpenCV Mat object. The image is 16 bits unsigned int.
My question is: Does anyone know the correct way to convert this dicom image into a Mat object? How to properly read all the slices with the method getOutputData
Based on the comments of @Alan Birtles, there is the possibility to specify the frame you want to read on the getOutputData
method. After reading each frame, you simply merge the Mat objects into a single Mat.
I wrote this code to get the whole volume:
DicomImage *image = new DicomImage(file);
// Get the information
unsigned int nRows = image->getHeight();
unsigned int nCols = image->getWidth();
unsigned int nImgs = image->getFrameCount();
vector <Mat> slices(nImgs);
// Loop for each slice
for(int k = 0; k<nImgs; k++){
(Uint16 *) pixelData = (Uint16 *)(image->getOutputData(16 /* bits */,k /* slice */));
slices[k] = Mat(nRows, nCols, CV_16U, pixelData).clone();
Mat img;
// Merge the slices in a single img
cout << img.size() << endl;
cout << img.channels() << endl;
// Output:
// [512 x 512]
// 5