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List of Jetty9 modules

Is there a list of available Jetty 9 modules somewhere? Just a simple table "this is the name, this is what it does, and here are links" type.

I have searched the Eclipse site and used search engines for some time now, without any usable result. Is it really that much of a secret what jetty modules exist, and what they do?


  • Use the command line.

    $ cd /path/to/mybase
    $ java -jar /path/to/jetty-home/start.jar --list-modules

    Some modules are dynamic/virtual (dependent on your environment).
    Some are 3rd party (jsp, jolokia, gcloud, etc).
    Of the remaining few, you have the module information itself.

    IE: rewrite is the rewrite behaviors in doc, http is the http server connector, etc.

    Going from module to doc is a 1::n scenario, while going from doc to module is a 1::1 scenario.

    If you want to know what they do, look at the module definition - (aka ${jetty.home}/modules/${name}.mod

    • They might have properties (documented in module)
    • They might have libs (obvious in module)
    • They might have xml (see standard XML configuration behaviors in Jetty doc)
    • They might have a non-Eclipse license (documented in module)
    • They might have a dependent module (documented in module)

    The result of enabling a module is simply a command line along the lines of --module=http.

    The combination of enabled modules (via the combination of ini files) is a longer command line + server classpath + xml load order.

    You can see this via ...

    $ cd /path/to/mybase
    $ java -jar /path/to/jetty-home/start.jar --list-config