I have a predefined format of an excel file and am writing my object into that excel which is taking lot of time and the application is going into stale mode.
I am using EpPlus library.
Please find the code below and let me know if I can make things better.
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(xslxpath);
using (ExcelPackage excelPackage = new ExcelPackage(fileInfo))
int excelRow = 2;
ExcelWorksheet worksheet1 = excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.First();
foreach (var rows in objDetails)
worksheet1.Cells[excelRow, 1].Value = rows.ID.ToString();
worksheet1.Cells[excelRow, 2].Value = rows.Name.ToString();
worksheet1.Cells[excelRow, 3].Value = rows.Days.ToString();
worksheet1.Cells[excelRow, 4].Value = rows.Amount.ToString();
worksheet1.Cells[excelRow, 5].Value = rows.Reason.ToString();
WriteToLogFile(LogFile, excelRow.ToString() + " " + rows.IPNumber.ToString());
WriteToLogFile(LogFile, excelRow.ToString() + " " + rows.IPNumber.ToString());
You should call this once after your loop, not for each and every line.