I can't figure out why the hiddenColumns
option does not work. When I set it to hiddenColumns:['name']
, I still can see the name
column... I've tried the newest version but the problem remains.
I want to have name
column hidden by default but user can unhide it using columnsDropdown
. So I can't just remove it from the columns
new Vue({
el: '#app',
delimiters: ['[[', ']]'],
data: {
product_list_url: "{% url "api:product-list" %}?source__user_eshop={{ user.get_current_eshop.id }}",
columns: ['is_active','code', 'name', 'category_full_text', 'brand', 'manufacturer', 'import_price', 'export_price', 'import_export_price_diff', 'on_stock', 'quantity',],
options: {
perPage: 25,
perPageValues: [],
default: '-',
headings: {
code: 'Kód',
name: 'Názov',
on_stock: 'Na sklade',
quantity: 'Počet (sklad)',
import_price: 'Cena (zdroj)',
{#export_price: 'Cena (export)',#}
is_active: 'Zobraziť v exporte',
category_full_text: 'Kategória',
import_export_price_diff: 'Navýšenie',
manufacturer: 'Výrobca',
brand: 'Značka',
sortIcon: {
base: 'fa float-right',
is: 'fa-sort',
up: 'fa-sort-up',
down: 'fa-sort-down'
filterByColumn: true,
filterable: ['code', 'name', 'on_stock', 'category_full_text', 'manufacturer', 'brand'],
pagination: false,
listColumns: {
on_stock: [{
id: 'true',
text: 'Áno',
}, {
id: 'false',
text: 'Nie',
sortable: ['name', 'code', 'quantity', 'import_price', 'category_full_text', 'manufacturer', 'brand'],
requestFunction: tablesRequestFunction,
responseAdapter: tablesResponseAdapter,
templates: {
on_stock: 'boolean',
is_active: 'boolean',
name: 'vue-tables-2-product',
texts: {
count: "Zobrazujem {from} - {to} z {count} záznamov|{count} záznamov|Jeden záznam",
first: 'Prvá',
last: 'Posledná',
filter: "Filter:",
filterPlaceholder: "Vyhladať",
limit: "Záznamy:",
page: "Strana:",
noResults: "Nenašli sa žiadne záznamy",
filterBy: "Filtrovať",
loading: 'Načítavanie...',
defaultOption: 'Vyberte {column}',
columns: 'Stĺpce'
mounted() {
methods: {
loading: function (id) {
// Animate loader off screen
$("#" + id).show();
onLoaded: function (id) {
$("#" + id).hide();
displayPrice: function (price, suffix) {
if (price !== null) {
return price + ' ' + suffix;
displayDiffPrice: function (price, suffix) {
if (price !== null) {
if (price < 0) {
return this.displayPrice(price, suffix);
} else if (price > 0) {
return '+' + this.displayPrice(price, suffix);
diffPriceStyle: function (price) {
var color = null;
if (!((price === null) || (price === 0))) {
if (price < 0) {
color = 'red';
} else if (price > 0) {
color = 'green';
return {color: color}
I've run out of ideas. Do you have any?
if you are using an version older than november 2019 it properly wont work based on matfish2 last post on this GitHub issue. I had the same issue, but using latest version did the trick for me.