I am facing trouble validating the access token that is generated by my auth server I used java key tool to generate jks file and use it to sign the token and I am trying to verify the token using https://jwt.io/ site. but it is always giving invalid signature
Could someone point out what is the error here?
public void configure(final AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer endpoints) throws Exception {
public TokenStore tokenStore() {
//return new JwtTokenStore(defaultAccessTokenConverter());
return new JwtTokenStore(defaultAccessTokenConverter());
public JwtAccessTokenConverter defaultAccessTokenConverter() {
JwtAccessTokenConverter converter = new JwtAccessTokenConverter();
return converter;
public KeyPair keyPair() {
ClassPathResource ksFile = new ClassPathResource("test.jks");
KeyStoreKeyFactory ksFactory = new KeyStoreKeyFactory(ksFile, "k12345".toCharArray());
KeyPair keyPair = ksFactory.getKeyPair("testk");
return keyPair;
Token generated by the auth server
Retrieve Public key
public class TestController {
public String keys3() {
ClassPathResource ksFile = new ClassPathResource("test.jks");
KeyStoreKeyFactory ksFactory = new KeyStoreKeyFactory(ksFile, "k12345".toCharArray());
KeyPair keyPair = ksFactory.getKeyPair("testk");
PublicKey pubKey = keyPair.getPublic();
String key = Base64.encode(pubKey.getEncoded()).toJSONString();
return key;
From the screenshot you shared, I unfortunately can't identify what the input string looks like that you posted into the "Public Key" field at jwt.io. However, given the "TestController" code you posted, I assume you pasted a Base64 encoded version of your public RSA key. As far as I can read, jwt.io expects you to enter the key in plain text.
Given that you use Springboot, I recommend you to write a simple test to assert signing and verifying your JWTs works as you expect it to work. This approach will also help you with debugging your code/ identifying your issue without having to use an external service like jwt.io.
Sidenote: Before implementing your own version of some public key exchange endpoints and protcol, I suggest to have a look at the JSON Web Key (JWK) specification (RFC 7517).