I have some Laravel models that are related via a pivot table in a belongsToMany relation.
Now I try to create a mutation in Laravel Lighthouse to join the models and also fill the pivot values.
Somehow I cannot find out how to do this.
The Course model looks like this:
class Course extends Model
public function programs(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(\App\Models\Program::class, 'Course_Program')
->withPivot('id', 'year_id')
My GraphQL code looks like this:
type Mutation {
createCourse(input: CreateCourseInput! @spread): Course! @create
type Course {
id: ID!
name: String!
programs: [ProgramWithPivot!]! @belongsToMany
type Program {
id: ID!
name: String!
type ProgramWithPivot {
id: ID!
name: String!
year_id: ID!
input CreateCourseInput {
name: String!
programs: CreateCourseProgramsRelation!
input CreateCourseProgramsRelation {
create: [CreateCourseProgramInput!]
input CreateCourseProgramInput {
id: ID!
year_id: ID!
The problem is that when I try to create programs in my course like this:
mutation {
createCourse(input: {
name: "new cours"
programs: {
create: [{
id: 1
year_id: 2
}) {
programs {
Laravel Lighthouse tries to insert data into the Program table (and complains that Program.name does not have a default value).
However, I want to insert data (course_id, year_id and program_id) into the Course_Program table.
How do I tell Laravel Lighthouse to insert data in the pivot-table?
Mutating pivot data is currently not there, but I did a PR for this last week. You can follow the PR progress
In general it will be included either the way I did it, or maybe a little bit different. It was discussed in this issue
For now you can update your pivot data only using custom resolver/directive. But probably the best way will be just to wait till PR gets merged.