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Attempting to sort graphQL order by position with DatoCMS adn Gatsby JS

I am using this Gatsby JS plugin to explore the DatoCMS GraphQL API In the dato docs it says you can order by position in the cms

I basically want to preserve the order in the cms, not have it order based on date.

In the dato API Explorer I can order posts by position like so.

query MyQuery {
  allProjects(orderBy: position_ASC) {

However in Gatsby the same query alludes me I have tried something like this below but it gives me this error Expected type SortOrderEnum, found position_ASC

query MyQuery {
  allDatoCmsProject(sort: {order: position_ASC}) {
    edges {
      node {

In the gatsby plugin the syntax is slightly different the DatoCMS graphQL explorer This is how the plugin expects me to do my ordering if I wanted to order it by a particular field. However I can't find any field that would allow me to order by position of the elements in Dato cms

  allDatoCmsBlogPost(sort: { fields: [publicationDate], order: DESC }, limit: 5) {
    edges {
      node {
        publicationDate(formatString: "MM-DD-YYYY")
        author {
          avatar {


  • When your Model has "visualisation mode" of table, a property called position get's added.

    Records collection visualization mode "Tabular view"

    We can use this position to sort the records like this:

    allDatoCmsProject(sort: { fields: [position], order: ASC }){