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Why we need guava in selenium webdriver?

I created selenium web driver project with maven. I read somewhere we need to add guava dependency.

Can anybody why we need guava dependency with selenium?


  • This is the best information I can arrange.

    Summarize Answer:

    Selenium uses Guava libraries for Function and Predicates.

    Reference for above quote (Page-126) :

    Brief about Function and Predicates with example used in Selenium:

    Guava provides two basic "functional" interfaces:

    • Function, which has the single method B apply(A input). Instances of Function are generally expected to be referentially transparent -- no side effects -- and to be consistent with equals, that is, a.equals(b) implies that function.apply(a).equals(function.apply(b))


    public WebElement apply(WebDriver driver) {
                return driver.findElement(locator);

    here you can also check. Mainly used in Selenium Waits (except implicit).

    • Predicate, which has the single method boolean apply(T input). Instances of Predicate are generally expected to be side-effect-free and consistent with equals.


    selenium filter with Predicate

    here you can find details of Function and Predicates on Guava official Documentation

    I hope it will help you.