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How do we get user request, response, and request-id along with process-id in spring-boot logging using logback.xml and MDC?

I have been trying to create a logback.xml logging pattern for my spring-boot project in which I can get some requirements.

I want to print data in logging pattern (such as process-id, request-id, user request data for a particular API request, user response for the same, etc. ) using MDC but I couldn't find any solution about how MDC communicates with logback.xml and inserts the required value.

I am new in spring-boot and Java development; kindly suggest me some solution or ideas.


  • You can add values in the MDC using put

    MDC.put("process-id", "1");

    And then you define a log pattern that uses these values with %X


    For example you can define the pattern in the

    logging.pattern.console=%-4r [%thread] %-5level %X{process-id} - msg%n

    Or in the logback.xml

    <appender name="CONSOLE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
          <Pattern>%-4r [%thread] %-5level %X{process-id} - msg%n</Pattern>