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Spring cloud stream RabbitMq - Set properties from source code

I am using Spring cloud stream with RabbitMQ.

I want to be able to configure message and query properties from source code and not from a property file (as they mention in their docs).

For example with the classic Java Client for RabbitMq i can do something like that to create a queue with the properties i want:

                    //qName,    passive, durable, exclusive  auto-delete
channel.queueDeclare("myQueue", true,    false,   false,   , false       , null);

Any ideas on how can i achieve the same thing using Spring cloud stream?


  • After digging in their documentation and with the help of @vaquar khan I found out that the only way to do it is from your property file.


            queue_name :
              destination: queue_name
              group: your_group_name 
              durable-subscription : true

    This will declare a durable, non-deleting and non-exclusive queue.