I want to use query parameters in my endpoint attributes but I'm not sure how to use them.
I tried this:
But I get this error instead:
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Patterns.RoutePatternException: The literal section '?amount=' is invalid. Literal sections cannot contain the '?' character. at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Patterns.RoutePatternParser.Parse(String pattern)
Or, what's the proper approach to set the query parameters if I want to hit an endpoint that looks like the one above?
Don't use them in the route template, they will be included once there are matching parameters in the action.
//POST fooBar/v2?amount=1234&date=2020-01-06
public IActionResult FooBar(string version, int amount, DateTime date) {
Or explicitly state where they will come from using attributes
//POST fooBar/v2?amount=1234&date=2020-01-06
public IActionResult FooBar([FromRoute]string version, [FromQuery]int amount, [FromQuery]DateTime date) {
Reference Model Binding in ASP.NET Core