I'm trying to use styled components to style a button with some padding as shown below. Is there a cleaner way of returning two values using a single expression so I can clean this up?
export const Button = styled.button`
padding: ${props => (props.primary ? rhythm(0.65) : rhythm(0.5))} ${props => (props.primary ? rhythm(1.6) : rhythm(1))};
Additionally, Prettier formats the previous code as follows. This is not valid css and so does not work. Is this a bug in prettier or is my code just horrible?
export const Button = styled.button`
padding: ${props => (props.primary ? rhythm(0.65) : rhythm(0.5))}
${props => (props.primary ? rhythm(1.6) : rhythm(1))};
You can generate both values with one template string. It would be more readable to create a simple function, that generates the string:
const rhythm = v => `${v}em`; // mock
const getPadding = (a, b) => `${rhythm(a)} ${rhythm(b)}`
const Button = styled.button`
padding: ${props => (props.primary ? getPadding(0.65, 1.6) : getPadding(0.5, 1))};
<Button primary>Primary</Button>
<Button>Not primary</Button>
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