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How to add a custom template function for Pug in Koa project?

I want to add custom template functions for Pug views.

For simplicity I've created a demo file with one custom function uppercase:

const Koa = require("koa")
const views = require("koa-views")

const app = new Koa()

  views(__dirname + "/views", {
    extension: "pug",
    options: {
      helpers: {
        uppercase: str => str.toUpperCase()

app.use(ctx => ctx.render("index", { name: "Name1" }))


Here is a mega simple template views/index.pug:

h1= uppercase(name)

But it doesn't work, it prints such error:

  TypeError: /Users/max7z/projects/test/t24__test__koa-views_pug/views/index.pug:1
    > 1| h1= uppercase(name)

  uppercase is not a function


  • Not using Koa, but I solved a similar issue recently using Eleventy.js with Pug. The Pug documentation is not great on this, so it took a while to figure out.

    I had to make the function a global, then use the globals property when rendering the template.


    global.uppercase = function(str){
      return str.toUpperCase();
     views(__dirname + "/views", {
     extension: "pug",
     options: {
        globals: ["uppercase"]