How can I use promise.all with this function :
function getUsersGroups(users, req) {
users.forEach(function(user) {
user.groups = [];
.find({ "users._id": String(user._id) })
.toArray(function(err, docs) {
user.groups = docs;
return users;
I don't know how to do , thank you.
PS : the users array doesn't get actualized with the docs (they console log ok).
Thi is my second try :
function getUsersGroups(users, req) {
(user, index, array) => (
array[index].user =[]
array[index].user.groups = myApiCall(user))
function myApiCall(user) {
.find({ "users._id": String(user._id) })
.toArray(function(err, docs) {
return docs;
return users;
array[index].user.groups = myApiCall(user))
SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
Edit :
So finally, I'm using this function, like Ashish said ( it is getting all of the groups a user is in, and updating the users model) :
async function getUsersGroups(users, req) {
await Promise.all( => {
return db.collection("groups")
.find({ "users._id": String(user._id) })
.then(group => {
user.groups = group;
return users;
And I am calling like this inside of another node.js function :
getUsersGroups(docs, req)
.then(users => {
.catch(error => {
// if you have an error
Thank you a lot !
async function getUsersGroups(users, req) {
await Promise.all( => {
return db.collection("groups")
.find({ "users._id": String(user._id) })
.then(group => {
user.groups = group;
return users;
Hope this helps