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Android Studio 3.0 parameter hints information not always visible?

Sorry, I don't know how this new functionality is called exactly, please look at screenshot: enter image description here

So, parameter name is visible in method call. This is cool, but as you can see, only first parameter in this case, second has no name visible. From my observations, it sometimes works, sometimes it doesn't and I am unable to figure out why.

Can I configure it, or it's just a bug? Or maybe I'm not understand how that functionality is intended to work.


  • You can enable it by doing the following:

    1. Go to File > Settings > Editor > General > Appearance > Show parameter name hints
    2. Click Configure
    3. Language: -> Java
    4. Options -> Check Show hints even when type of expression is clear

    As you can see below, it is visible for all parameters regardless of type:

    parameter hind is visible for all parameters regardless of type


    It looks like this setting was removed in Android Studio 4.0

    There are however new Inlay Hints options:

    1. Go to File > Settings > Editor > Inlay Hints > Java > Parameter hints
    2. Check Show parameter hints for:

    enter image description here