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How to get max value from SQLite table column and return it to variable in MainActivity. Android Studio

  1. Created the table in

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    db.execSQL("create table " + TABLE_WORKOUT + "("
            + KEY_ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
            + KEY_WONUMBER + " integer,"
            + KEY_WONAME + " text,"
            + KEY_WODESCRIPTION + " text,"
            + KEY_WOICON + " text,"
            + KEY_WOCOLOR + " text" + ")");}
  2. In onCreate will be created some OBJECTS, that will be shown according to numbers from column KEY_WONUMBER of TABLE_WORKOUT

  3. Need to find max value in KEY_WONUMBER and give it to variable in and set next number for the next OBJECT

  4. Trying to do it like this:

        public String getMaxNumber(){
        SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
        Cursor c = db.query(DBHelper.TABLE_WORKOUT, new String[]
                null, null, null, null, null);
        StringBuffer buffer;
            String max_id=c.getString(0);
        return buffer.toString();
  5. Getting next mistakes in raws:

    public String getMaxNumber(){ - ';' expected

    return buffer.toString(); - *cannot return a value from a method with void result type

As a newbie in Android need your help to solve that problem


  • public String getMaxNumber(){ - ';' expected

    You are missing a closing }. However fixing that then introduces buffer may not have been initialized error as you just have StringBuffer buffer; So attempting to append to it would result in a null pointer exception. You need to initialise buffer e.g. by using StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("");

    return buffer.toString(); - *cannot return a value from a method with void result type

    This is a result of the missing closing }. see above how this error is replaced by another.


    Consider the following code and the comments therein :-

    public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
        DBHelper dbHelper;
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            dbHelper = new DBHelper(this);
            Log.d("MAXNUMBER", getMaxNumber());
        } //<<<<<<<<<< FIX 1 closes the onCreate method
        public String getMaxNumber () {
            SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();
            Cursor c = db.query(DBHelper.TABLE_WORKOUT, new String[]
                            {"MAX(" + DBHelper.KEY_WONUMBER + ")"},
                    //{"COALESCE(MAX(" + DBHelper.KEY_WONUMBER + "),0)"}, //Alternative will return 0 instead of null if no rows
            null, null, null, null, null);
            StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(""); //FIX2 initialize buffer by adding buffer = new StringBuffer("")
            if (c.moveToFirst()) { // moveToFirst will return false if no row to move to so no need to check row count
                String max_id = c.getString(0);
                buffer.append(max_id); //FIX 1 introduces might not have been inittialized (buffer hasn't been inittialized)
            db.close(); // can be inefficient to keep on opening and closing the database
            return buffer.toString();

    This returns (when no rows have been inserted) :-

    D/MAXNUMBER: null
    • see commented out query which uses COALESCE to return 0 rather than null in the returned string if you prefer to not have to handle null.