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Javascript spread operator in Clojurescript?

I am trying to achieve the following javascript code in clojurescript:

const a = {
   "foo": "bar",

let b = {
  //^ what is the clojurescript equivalent for this?
    "newprop": 10,

I have tried to assoc-in, thinking it would behave like a clojure map, with no success...


  • My question was not clear enough, I had an object defaultProps coming from an external js library. My goal was to create a new instance of this js object and extending it with new props, and feeding it back to a js function expecting a js object. There was more to it than I first foresaw. I finally managed to do it with some juggling with js->clj and clj->js:

    (def b
        (clj->js (assoc (js->clj a) "newprop" 10)))

    Thank you for your answers!