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Is there something in C that is analogous to out/out keyword of C#?

void extract_left_subtree(node *right_child)
        right_child = right_child->right;
    printf("rightmost inside the funtion is %d\n",right_child->data);

in this function the last line is printing the correct value.

 node *right_child=root;
 printf("rightmost child is %d\n",right_child->data);

But here I'm getting some garbage value.

I know what the problem is, I know why it's happening, the only thing I don't know is how to rectify this? There are keywords like ref and out in C# which can be used to achieve the same but the issue is, how can we do the same in C language?

I don't want to return values from the method please


  • I don't want to return values from the method please

    If you don't want to return a value you can do:

    void extract_left_subtree(node **right_child)
            (*right_child) = (*right_child)->right;
        printf("rightmost inside the funtion is %d\n", (*right_child)->data);

    and call it like:


    This passes the address of right_child to the function and then the function can directly update the value of right_child