I have the following JSON file:
"spells": [
"effect":"opens objects",
"effect":"Summons an object",
"spell":"Age Line",
"effect":"Hides things from younger people",
"effect":"shoots water from wand",
"spell":"Alarte Ascendare",
"effect":"shoots things high in the air",
Can you help me how to count all the spells with XQuery where the "type" = "Spell" and separately all the spells where the "Type"= "charm". The JSON file is much bigger, I just don't wanted to paste here the whole file. Thank you.
It seems like a straight-forward grouping and counting then:
declare variable $spell-types as xs:string* external := ('Spell', 'Charm');
for $spell in ?spells?*[?type = $spell-types]
group by $t := $spell?type
return $t || ' : ' || count($spell)
Or, as Michael Kay has pointed out, with a given sequence of values it suffices to use
for $spell-type in $spell-types
return $spell-type || ' : ' || count(?spells?*[?type = $spell-type])