I've recently taken on the task of custom properties in Photon. I have been able to figure out how to set the custom properties, but not get the custom properties. My hashtable is in my player controller script, while the place where I set (and where I want to get) properties is in a round loop script.
From RoundSystem:
private IEnumerator TeamBalance()
angelCount = Mathf.Floor(PhotonNetwork.PlayerList.Length * angelPercent);
currentAngels = angelCount;
currentPlayers = PhotonNetwork.PlayerList.Length;
foreach (var item in PhotonNetwork.PlayerList)
var itemPhotonView = (PhotonView)item.TagObject;
itemPhotonView.RPC("SetPlayerTeam", item, citiString);
for (int i = 0; i < angelCount;)
var item = PhotonNetwork.PlayerList[Random.Range(0, PhotonNetwork.PlayerList.Length)];
var itemPhotonView = (PhotonView)item.TagObject;
if (/* random player selected's, AKA, item's team == citiString */)
itemPhotonView.RPC("SetPlayerTeam", item, angelString);
yield return null;
//the reason this is in an IEnumerator with 'yield return null'
//is because I plan to add a waiting period once I figure this out
//it's for the game loop
From PlayerController:
public void SetPlayerTeam(string teamString)
//in the class: private ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable playerProperties;
if (!playerProperties.ContainsKey("team"))
playerProperties.Add("team", teamString);
playerProperties["team"] = teamString;
At the beginning of the round, a percentage (in this case 1/3) of players are chosen to be an "angel". The check here is needed because in cases of multiple angels, you don't want an already existing angel to count as a new change. (Also, it's probably important to known generally how to get custom properties if I'm going to be using them.) If I don't include the check in RoundSystem, the outcome is 2 citizens and 1 angel (in a test with 3 players). Also, if you see any spaghetti code that could be improved on, please don't hesitate to tell me. :)
Use Player.CustomProperties
dictionary to access player's custom properties.
foreach (var item in PhotonNetwork.PlayerList)
if (item.CustomProperties.ContainsKey("team"))
Also, the RoundSystem can implement IInRoomCallbacks interface and listen to OnPlayerPropertiesUpdate to catch the exact moment when the team gets updated. https://doc-api.photonengine.com/en/pun/v2/interface_photon_1_1_realtime_1_1_i_in_room_callbacks.html