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Debugging in WebStorm vs Visual Studio

For the longest time I have not been able to debug in WebStorm and I am wondering if I am going about it wrong. When using Visual Studio to debug a C# application I set my breakpoint and click the green triangle to start/debug my web application.

enter image description here

This is also the way I have been attempting to debug Angular applications in WebStorm. However, my breakpoints never seem to be hit. So today I tried (quite by accident) clicking the green triangle in WebStorm to start my Angular application as normal (launching via webpack) and then after it loaded I clicked the green "bug" icon. I then found that when navigating through my angular application my breakpoints were hit.

enter image description here


enter image description here

Was I doing this wrong the whole time? I was thinking that it was just one click as in Visual Studio.


  • You found it! Yes, you have to click the bug icon to get breakpoints to work.