I have an array on server side, which adds the number 1 every 10 minutes. e.g. [1, 1, 1, 1....]
I send this to the template as follows (data() is the array as my example above):
router.get('/', (req, res) => {
return res.render('index', {
results: data(),
I have a script on the template which renders a graph. For this to work, the array needs to be accessible in the script.
When I access the array by:
var results = "{{ results }}";
The array ends up like:
["1, 1, 1, 1"]
I need the array without the double quotes. Is this possible?
[1, 1, 1, 1]
You could change it on the server or the client - I'd say let's just do it on the client side.
The entire array is made up of 1 spot that has all the values separated by commas.
We first grab that chunk of data with (["1, 1, 1, 1"][0]) - this will return just the first spot in the array with all of the data.
Then we clear out any spaces (.replace(/\s/g,'').
Turn it into a true array (split(",")).
Then turn each of those string numbers into true numbers (.map(function(e){return Number(e);}))
remove: .map(function(e){return Number(e);}) if you don't care if the numbers are strings or not.
var results = ["1, 1, 1, 1"][0];
var result = results.replace(/\s/g,'').split(",").map(function(e){return Number(e);});