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Show specific JSON values in a nunjuck template

Trying filter values from a JSON-file and showing in an nunjuck-template. This is the JSON-file:

     "name":"'s Gravenwezel",
     "name":"'s Herenelderen",

When adding {{ cities }} in the nunjuck-template, it shows the whole JSON-file, but how can i show only the specific values name and zip?

Trying this:

{{ cities.rows }}

{{ cities.rows[0] }}

{{ cities.rows[0].value[0].name }}


Also trying with a for-loop:
{% for city in cities %}
  {{ city[0] }}
{% endfor %}

And a lot of other combinations. Nothing works!


  • First, I'd modify the for loop to use cities.rows. Then you can address keys via value.X. So for example:

    {% for city in cities.rows %}
     {{ }} and {{ }}<br/>
    {% endfor %}