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Do I have to subclass in this case?

I have a UIViewController and a UITextView in it. I want to get touchesbegan method in UIViewController, but of course, it's being blocked b the UITextView. So, do I have to subclass UITextView to override resignsfirstresponder? There's got be antoher way, otherwise I am going to have to create two files just to override a method that simply returns NO.


Update: Basically I want to display a UIActionSheet whenever the user taps on the screen. But I also want the UITextView to be scrollable.


  • You could set your UITextView.userInteractionEnabled = NO (this can be done in interface builder/Xcode 4). Then touches will pass through to the view behind your UITextView. You could use a UIControl instead of a UIView for your view controller's view if you want to intercept touches to your view controller's view.

    Can you tell us more about the interaction you're trying to create?