I am currently working on a dotnet core 3.0 app that needs to parse different datetime strings into a System.DateTime. My development environment is VS2019 on Windows 10 but the application will run on Raspbian (debian-arm) later. Let's look into this example code:
// input string
const string testdate = "Jan. 1 01:05:26";
var dateFormats = new[] { "MMM. d HH:mm:ss", "MMM. dd HH:mm:ss" };
var dateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(testdate, dateFormats, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeLocal);
// output should be: 01.01.2020 01:05:26
Console.WriteLine($"Date: {dateTime.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss")}");
While this works as expected in development under windows 10, it will throw an exception on raspbian:
System.FormatException: String 'Jan. 1 01:05:26' was not recognized as a valid DateTime.
I already checked the CultureInfo but both of the systems are set to the same one. Is there something i am missing here? How can i ensure that these DateTimes are parsed correctly on raspbian?
I just noticed the year part of the date is missing. Is this the reason for that exception? but why is it working on windows and assuming the current year?
As nl-x suggested, i tried printing the current datetime formated as my input dateformats. and there it was:
DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM. d HH:mm:ss")
// Windows output: Jan. 2 16:29:45
// Raspbian output: Jan.. 2 16:29:45
Apparently raspbian already includes the trailing dot in "MMM" format while windows does not. Changing my date formats to:
var dateFormats = new[] { "MMM. d HH:mm:ss", "MMM. dd HH:mm:ss", "MMM d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss" };
now works both in windows and linux. thank you!
Try using invariant culture, or set the culture explicitly.
Your local system might be running in a different language than your Linux system.
What "Jan" is on your local system, might be different on the Linux system.
Try printing a date with the current format from your linux, and see if it uses something else for "Jan" EG dateTime.Now.ToString("MMM. d HH:mm:ss", "MMM. dd HH:mm:ss")