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MsgBox with multiple 'past due' items

I am building an LOP (List of Open Points) in Excel 2016 for a manufacturing project. Each action item will have a 'target date' for completion. My intention is every time the document is opened, a macro will run that will scan the document and every item that is past due, comparing the 'target date' to today's date, will trigger a MsgBox popup that states "There are past due items in the following row(s): X, Y, and Z." I have ran into two issues that I'm trying to resolve:

  1. The range of cells for the 'target date' column (J) will not yield a result. It will display the MsgBox if I enter a single cell. For example, if I only put the range as J4, and J4 is past due, the MsgBox will display as intended. But, if I set the range as "J4:J999" with multiple entries past due in the J column and run it, it does nothing, not even give me an error.

  2. I cannot figure out how to integrate the date comparison code into a multiple-output MsgBox code. Maybe once the range issue is resolved, it will help.

Below is the code I'm using to identify the past due cells in the J column and yield the MsgBox:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim cl As Range
Set cl = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OPEN ITEMS").Range("J4:J999")
If IsDate(cl) Then
    If Now >= cl Then
        MsgBox "There are past due items in the following row(s):" & "" & cl.Address, vbExclamation, "ACTION REQUIRED"
    End If
End If
End Sub

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • Try this code:

    EDIT: As per BigBen's comment, added control if no rows met the condition. (Thnx @BigBen)

    Private Sub Workbook_Open()
        Dim evalRange As Range
        Dim evalCell As Range
        Dim resultRows As String
        Set evalRange = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("OPEN ITEMS").Range("J4:J999")
        For Each evalCell In evalRange
            If IsDate(evalCell) Then
                If Now >= evalCell Then
                    resultRows = resultRows & evalCell.Row & ","
                End If
            End If
        Next evalCell
        If resultRows <> vbNullString Then
            ' Remove last comma
            resultRows = Left$(resultRows, Len(resultRows) - 1)
            MsgBox "There are past due items in the following row(s):" & resultRows, vbExclamation, "ACTION REQUIRED"
        End If
    End Sub