I am currently programming error avoidance. So I have two LocalDates: from and until and I want to check if one of them is in the past.
This is my method. But somewhere there seems to be an error, because if I select a LocalDate for "from" which is in the past, I get a false back.
private static boolean isPast(LocalDate from, LocalDate until) {
if (LocalDate.now().isAfter(from) || LocalDate.now().isAfter(until)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Alternatively you could write:
private static boolean atLeastOneInThePast(LocalDate from, LocalDate until) {
LocalDate today = LocalDate.now();
return today.isAfter(from) || today.isAfter(until);
Which is 23:59 consistent. And allows an easy debugging of today
Your code seems fine, if from
is yesterday. So only your system clock, LocalDate.now()
, may be off.