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single actionlistener for multiple buttons

Can anyone help me out how to add single action listener on multiple buttons? Here is my code of multiple action listener for multiple buttons. I have also tried taking one common button for an action listener for all buttons. Can anyone please suggest me a relevant answer. I am a beginner and I don't have much knowledge in java.

import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.*;

public class Calculator {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

        JFrame frame = new JFrame();     //object of JFrame
        JLabel firstValue, secondValue, result, answer;     //declaration of JLabel
        JTextField one, two;     //declaration of JTextField
        JButton addition, subtraction, multiplication, division;     //declaration of JButton

        //Label for first value
        firstValue = new JLabel("First Value:");

        //Label for second value
        secondValue = new JLabel("Second Value:");

        //TextFields for first value    
        one = new JTextField();
        one.setBounds(170, 70, 105, 30);

        //TextFields for second value
        two = new JTextField();
        two.setBounds(170, 120, 105, 30);

        //Button for addition
        addition = new JButton("+");
        addition.setBounds(50, 170, 45, 30);

        //Button for subtraction
        subtraction = new JButton("-");
        subtraction.setBounds(110, 170, 45, 30);

        //Button for multiplication
        multiplication = new JButton("*");
        multiplication.setBounds(170, 170, 45, 30);

        //Button for division
        division = new JButton("/");
        division.setBounds(230, 170, 45, 30);

        //Label for Result
        result = new JLabel("Result");
        result.setBounds(50, 220, 100, 30);

        //TextFields for first value    
        answer = new JLabel();
        answer.setBounds(170, 220, 105, 30);

        //actionListener for addition button
        addition.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                //logic for addition
                int finalAnswer = Integer.parseInt(one.getText()) + Integer.parseInt(two.getText());


        //actionListener for subtraction button
        subtraction.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                //logic for addition
                int finalAnswer = Integer.parseInt(one.getText()) - Integer.parseInt(two.getText());

        //actionListener for multiplication button
        multiplication.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                //logic for addition
                int finalAnswer = Integer.parseInt(one.getText()) * Integer.parseInt(two.getText());

        //actionListener for division button
        division.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {

            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                //logic for addition
                int finalAnswer = Integer.parseInt(one.getText()) / Integer.parseInt(two.getText());

        frame.setSize(400,400);     //set size of JFrame with width and height
        frame.setLayout(null);      //set layout type by null
        frame.setVisible(true);     //set JFrame visible by boolean value true/false    


  • Generally, you would do something like this (you could append this within your Calculator class):

    class Calculator {
      private JButton subtraction;
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        // your code
        // button example
        subtraction = new JButton("-");
        subtraction.addActionListener(new Listener());
        // your code
      class Listener implements ActionListener {
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
          if (e.getSource() == nameOfJButton) {
            // do the action for this button
          } else if (e.getSource() == nameOfAnotherButton) {
            // you get the idea

    And now, you can alter your code like so:

    // actionListener for addition button
    addition.addActionListener(new Listener());