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How to do $or and "and" in mongo query for java driver?

I want to do both AND and $or operations in a single mongo query.

In mongo doc i have read mongo queries use AND by default.

If i use only or $or, its working. But if i try to use AND and $or its not working.

I have tried it like this

BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
query.append("name", "Anbu");

BasicDBObject orQuery = new BasicDBObject();
orQuery.put("name", "Kalaio");
List<BasicDBObject> orQueries = new ArrayList<BasicDBObject>();

orQuery = new BasicDBObject();

orQuery.put("name", "Kumar");

orQuery = new BasicDBObject();
orQuery.put("$or", orQueries);

query.put("$or", orQueries);

DBCursor cur = coll.find(query);//Not Working

DBCursor cur = coll.find(orQuery);//Working

Where i am doing it wrong?



  • I'm not familiar with the Java driver, but it seems like you're trying to nest an "or". Unfortunately, that's not currently allowed in mongo. It's something planned in the future though. See these bugs for more info: