I have several api calls (Rx singles) that i want to combine into a single Single. I'm using Single.merge to try combine the result of these calls but when i subscribe to the response i'm getting an empty array as the subscribe has already happened. I call the HealthChecker expecting that the subscribe will return the list of results:
new HealthChecker(vertx)
.subscribe(messages -> {
log.info("Completed health check {}", messages);
.putHeader("content-type", "text/json")
The health checker class performs the logic:
public class HealthChecker {
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HealthChecker.class);
private Vertx vertx;
private WebClient client;
public HealthChecker(Vertx vertx) {
this.vertx = vertx;
client = WebClient.create(vertx);
public Single<List<String>> getHealthChecks(JsonArray endpoints) {
return Single.fromCallable(() -> {
List<Single<String>> healthChecks = endpoints
.map(endpoint -> getHealthStatus(client, endpoint.toString()))
return consumeHealthChecks(healthChecks).blockingGet();
private Single<List<String>> consumeHealthChecks(List<Single<String>> healthChecks) {
return Single.fromCallable(() -> {
List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
.timeout(1500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.subscribe(message -> {
log.info("Got health check {}", message);
}, error -> {
log.info("Timeout - could not get health check");
return messages;
private Single<String> getHealthStatus(WebClient client, String endpoint) {
log.info("getting endpoint {}", endpoint);
return client
.map(response -> response);
I expect the return value to be a list except all i get is an empty list and then the results come after. Here is the log:
09:12:06.235 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] INFO sys.health.HealthChecker - getting endpoint http://localhost:5000/status
09:12:06.241 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] INFO sys.health.HealthChecker - getting endpoint http://localhost:5001/status
09:12:06.241 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] INFO sys.health.HealthChecker - getting endpoint http://localhost:5002/status
09:12:06.241 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] INFO sys.health.HealthChecker - getting endpoint http://localhost:5003/status
09:12:06.241 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] INFO sys.health.HealthChecker - getting endpoint http://localhost:5004/status
09:12:06.300 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] INFO sys.health.HealthCheckVerticle - Completed health check []
09:12:06.688 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] INFO sys.health.HealthChecker - Got health check {"isHealthy":true}
09:12:06.844 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] INFO sys.health.HealthChecker - Got health check {"isHealthy":true}
09:12:06.898 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] INFO sys.health.HealthChecker - Got health check {"isHealthy":false}
09:12:07.072 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] INFO sys.health.HealthChecker - Got health check {"isHealthy":true}
09:12:07.255 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-1] INFO sys.health.HealthChecker - Got health check {"isHealthy":true}
Why are you using fromCallable
and blockingGet
? Also you fire off the merge
without actually waiting for it to run to completion, hence the empty list. Instead, compose over the inner Single
public Single<List<String>> getHealthChecks(JsonArray endpoints) {
return Single.defer(() -> {
List<Single<String>> healthChecks = endpoints
.map(endpoint -> getHealthStatus(client, endpoint.toString()))
return consumeHealthChecks(healthChecks);
private Single<List<String>> consumeHealthChecks(List<Single<String>> healthChecks) {
return Single.merge(healthChecks)
.timeout(1500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)