Search code examples

Update HTML using two values from array of objects

I have an array of objects, each with an age and balance property.

I have a form with a self-select field and a function to loop through and populate the self-select with all of the balances.age values.

<form id="myForm">
  <select id="selectAge">
var balances = [
        age: 23,
        balance: 10000
        age: 25,
        balance: 24000

function getAge(){    
  for(var i = 0; i < balances.length; i++) {
    var opt = balances[i].age;
    var el = document.createElement("option");
    el.text = opt;
    el.value = opt;

I'd like to use the selected age value and insert the corresponding balances of the array into some HTML below.

<h2>You should have $<span id="insertBalance"></span>.</h2> 

I'm not getting anywhere with this and may have approached this wrong to begin with. How can I find the correct balance for each selected age and display it in my document?


  • You're pretty close. Add an event listener to the dropdown menu to listen for changes. When a change occurs, perform a linear search on the balances array using find to match the, which is the selected age.

    Note that linear searching is slow, so if the search turns into a bottleneck, you may wish to transform the balances array into an object or Map with age->balance pairs.

    const balances = [
        age: 23,
        balance: 10000
        age: 25,
        balance: 24000
    const selectEl = document.getElementById("select-age");
    const balanceEl = document.getElementById("insert-balance");
    for (const e of balances) {
      const opt = document.createElement("option");
      opt.text = e.age;
      opt.value = e.age;
    selectEl.addEventListener("change", event => {
      const found = balances.find(e => e.age ==;
      balanceEl.innerText = found ? found.balance : "";
    <select id="select-age">
    <h2>You should have $<span id="insert-balance"></span>.</h2>